Aromatherapy Series 101
We are excited to announce our first Aromatherapy 101 Series at Spirit Tree Wellness begining next month!
Imagine 2.5 hours relaxing and breating in the cool healing air in our Salt Cave while you learn all about pure Essential Oils (and some herbs too) and how to safely apply using them in your daily life.
A message from our instructor Patrice Green,
The intent of this series is to provide the student with an opportunity to learn about 15 essential oils and how to use them for beauty, health and home. We will introduce three new oils per class, focusing on their specific properties. We will learn best practices for safety as well as the basics of blending. Using the oils in each weeks kit we will learn how to make a variety of products including facial toners, personal blends, bath salts, sugar scrubs, inhalers, bath teas and air sprays as well as cleaning solutions. It is important to attend each class as the knowledge gained is cumulative and necessary for
the next class; projects.
I look forward to meeting you all soon!
We are excited to announce our first Aromatherapy 101 Series at Spirit Tree Wellness begining next month!
Imagine 2.5 hours relaxing and breating in the cool healing air in our Salt Cave while you learn all about pure Essential Oils (and some herbs too) and how to safely apply using them in your daily life.
A message from our instructor Patrice Green,
The intent of this series is to provide the student with an opportunity to learn about 15 essential oils and how to use them for beauty, health and home. We will introduce three new oils per class, focusing on their specific properties. We will learn best practices for safety as well as the basics of blending. Using the oils in each weeks kit we will learn how to make a variety of products including facial toners, personal blends, bath salts, sugar scrubs, inhalers, bath teas and air sprays as well as cleaning solutions. It is important to attend each class as the knowledge gained is cumulative and necessary for
the next class; projects.
I look forward to meeting you all soon!
Class description and Details:
Classes are held Sundays 11;30-2pm
Class #1 Sept 18 2022
Learn best practices for safety when using essential oils. Introduction to Lavender, Atlas
Cedarwood, Patchouli, and best applications for each oil. Guided meditations with the oils.
Students will journal their experiences with each oil after the meditations.
*Product: Cleaning solutions - we will make a cleaning solution using plant material, white
vinegar and essential oils.
Class #2 Oct 2, 2022
Learn about different carrier oils. Learn the art and science of proper blending. Introduction to
Clary Sage, Blue (German) Chamomile, Geranium and best applications for each oil. Guided
meditations with the oils. Students will journal their experiences with each oil after the
*Product: Make your own personal blend. Special emphasis on blends for PMS and feminine
endocrine system support.
Class #3 Oct 23, 2022
We will discuss different types of applications for essential oils (types of diffusers, inhalers,
personal blends, foot baths etc.). Introduction to Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, and best
applications for each oil. Guided meditations with the oils. Students will journal their experiences
with each oil after the meditations.
*Product: Learn how to make inhalers and sugar scrubs.
Class #4: Nov 13, 2022
Discussion about hydrosols - what they are, when best to use them, best applications.
Introduction to Sweet Orange, Peppermint, Juniper. Guided meditations with the oils. Students
will journal their experiences with each oil after the meditations.
*Product: Make facial toners
Class #5: Dec 4, 2022
Just in time for the Holiday Season! Introduction to Douglas Fir, Lemon, Pine.
Guided meditation with the oils. Students will journal
their experiences with each oil after the meditations.
*Products: Air Sprays, Bath salts, Bath Teas
*Eary bird pricing $225.00 (on or before Aug 31, 2022)
Regular price $249.00
*kits include Pranarom Essential oils (organic & GMO Free),
containers, labels and other products we may use in class.
They can be bought the night of each class.
Buy all the kits at once and save 20%!