Himalayan Salt Cave
Welcome to Spirit Tree Wellness Salt Cave!
Just a few hundred years ago humans lived in a healthier, more negative ion rich environment. Due to pollution, Wifi and chemicals we are bombarding our bodies with positive ions. Positive ions are free radicals destroying healthy cells. Even if we try to eat right and exercise, spend time outside we can not escape them. As we breath they are harmful to our lungs and respiratory tract. Positive ions are also absorbed into your blood stream and can ravage your immune system. Over exposure can contribute to lack of energy, tension, irritability, fatigue, tension as well as being a leading factor in asthma ADHD and depression.
We have designed our cave for you to get the most healing time out of your session. Like other salt caves we do offer dry salt therapy, but we have separated ourselves by combining negative ion therapy. You can feel results in a 45 min session in our Salt Cave. In conjunction to the many other healing properties of Himalayan Salt, most importantly it releases negative ions into the air. After your session you will feel relaxed, energized, less congested and have a overall feeling of well being..
Individual Session $40.00
Your can book your private Salt Cave Experience for groups of 4 or more (up to 8 guests
4 guests - $160 (each additional guest is $40.00)
4 guests - $160 (each additional guest is $40.00)